import test from "ava"; import { expect } from "chai"; import { strom } from "../src"; import { Writable, Readable } from "stream"; import * as sinon from "sinon"; import { sleep } from "../src/helpers"; import { performance } from "perf_hooks"; const { demux, map, fromArray } = strom({ objectMode: true }); interface Test { key: string; visited: number[]; } test.cb("demux() constructor should be called once per key", t => { t.plan(1); const input = [ { key: "a", visited: [] }, { key: "b", visited: [] }, { key: "a", visited: [] }, { key: "c", visited: [] }, { key: "a", visited: [] }, { key: "b", visited: [] }, ]; const construct = sinon.spy((destKey: string) => { const dest = map((chunk: Test) => { chunk.visited.push(1); return chunk; }); return dest; }); const demuxed = demux(construct, "key", {}); demuxed.on("finish", () => { expect(construct.withArgs("a").callCount).to.equal(1); expect(construct.withArgs("b").callCount).to.equal(1); expect(construct.withArgs("c").callCount).to.equal(1); t.pass(); t.end(); }); fromArray(input).pipe(demuxed); }); test.cb("demux() item written passed in constructor", t => { t.plan(4); const input = [ { key: "a", visited: [] }, { key: "b", visited: [] }, { key: "c", visited: [] }, ]; const construct = sinon.spy((destKey: string, item: any) => { expect(item).to.deep.equal({ key: destKey, visited: [] }); t.pass(); const dest = map((chunk: Test) => { chunk.visited.push(1); return chunk; }); return dest; }); const demuxed = demux(construct, "key", {}); demuxed.on("finish", () => { t.pass(); t.end(); }); fromArray(input).pipe(demuxed); }); test.cb("demux() should send input through correct pipeline", t => { t.plan(6); const input = [ { key: "a", visited: [] }, { key: "b", visited: [] }, { key: "a", visited: [] }, { key: "c", visited: [] }, { key: "a", visited: [] }, { key: "b", visited: [] }, ]; const pipelineSpies = {}; const construct = (destKey: string) => { const mapper = sinon.spy((chunk: Test) => { return { ...chunk, visited: [1] }; }); const dest = map(mapper); pipelineSpies[destKey] = mapper; return dest; }; const demuxed = demux(construct, "key", {}); demuxed.on("finish", () => { pipelineSpies["a"].getCalls().forEach(call => { expect(call.args[0].key).to.equal("a"); t.pass(); }); pipelineSpies["b"].getCalls().forEach(call => { expect(call.args[0].key).to.equal("b"); t.pass(); }); pipelineSpies["c"].getCalls().forEach(call => { expect(call.args[0].key).to.equal("c"); t.pass(); }); t.end(); }); fromArray(input).pipe(demuxed); }); test.cb("demux() constructor should be called once per key using keyBy", t => { t.plan(1); const input = [ { key: "a", visited: [] }, { key: "b", visited: [] }, { key: "a", visited: [] }, { key: "c", visited: [] }, { key: "a", visited: [] }, { key: "b", visited: [] }, ]; const construct = sinon.spy((destKey: string) => { const dest = map((chunk: Test) => { chunk.visited.push(1); return chunk; }); return dest; }); const demuxed = demux(construct, item => item.key, {}); demuxed.on("finish", () => { expect(construct.withArgs("a").callCount).to.equal(1); expect(construct.withArgs("b").callCount).to.equal(1); expect(construct.withArgs("c").callCount).to.equal(1); t.pass(); t.end(); }); fromArray(input).pipe(demuxed); }); test.cb("demux() should send input through correct pipeline using keyBy", t => { t.plan(6); const input = [ { key: "a", visited: [] }, { key: "b", visited: [] }, { key: "a", visited: [] }, { key: "c", visited: [] }, { key: "a", visited: [] }, { key: "b", visited: [] }, ]; const pipelineSpies = {}; const construct = (destKey: string) => { const mapper = sinon.spy((chunk: Test) => { return { ...chunk, visited: [1] }; }); const dest = map(mapper); pipelineSpies[destKey] = mapper; return dest; }; const demuxed = demux(construct, item => item.key, {}); demuxed.on("finish", () => { pipelineSpies["a"].getCalls().forEach(call => { expect(call.args[0].key).to.equal("a"); t.pass(); }); pipelineSpies["b"].getCalls().forEach(call => { expect(call.args[0].key).to.equal("b"); t.pass(); }); pipelineSpies["c"].getCalls().forEach(call => { expect(call.args[0].key).to.equal("c"); t.pass(); }); t.end(); }); fromArray(input).pipe(demuxed); }); test("demux() write should return false and emit drain if more than highWaterMark items are buffered", t => { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { t.plan(7); interface Chunk { key: string; mapped: number[]; } const input: Chunk[] = [ { key: "a", mapped: [] }, { key: "a", mapped: [] }, { key: "a", mapped: [] }, { key: "a", mapped: [] }, { key: "a", mapped: [] }, { key: "a", mapped: [] }, ]; let pendingReads = input.length; const highWaterMark = 5; const slowProcessorSpeed = 25; const construct = (destKey: string) => { const first = map( async (chunk: Chunk) => { await sleep(slowProcessorSpeed); return { ...chunk, mapped: [1] }; }, { highWaterMark: 1 }, ); first.on("data", chunk => { expect(chunk.mapped).to.deep.equal([1]); pendingReads--; if (pendingReads === 0) { resolve(); } t.pass(); }); return first; }; const _demux = demux(construct, "key", { highWaterMark, }); _demux.on("error", err => { reject(); }); for (const item of input) { const res = _demux.write(item); expect(_demux._writableState.length); if (!res) { await new Promise((resolv, rej) => { _demux.once("drain", () => { expect(_demux._writableState.length); t.pass(); resolv(); }); }); } } }); }); test("demux() should emit one drain event after slowProcessorSpeed * highWaterMark ms when first stream is bottleneck", t => { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { t.plan(7); interface Chunk { key: string; mapped: number[]; } const input: Chunk[] = [ { key: "a", mapped: [] }, { key: "a", mapped: [] }, { key: "a", mapped: [] }, { key: "a", mapped: [] }, { key: "a", mapped: [] }, { key: "a", mapped: [] }, ]; let pendingReads = input.length; const highWaterMark = 5; const slowProcessorSpeed = 25; const construct = (destKey: string) => { const first = map( async (chunk: Chunk) => { await sleep(slowProcessorSpeed); chunk.mapped.push(1); return chunk; }, { highWaterMark: 1 }, ); first.on("data", () => { t.pass(); pendingReads--; if (pendingReads === 0) { resolve(); } }); return first; }; const _demux = demux(construct, "key", { highWaterMark, }); _demux.on("error", err => { reject(); }); const start =; for (const item of input) { const res = _demux.write(item); if (!res) { await new Promise((resolv, rej) => { // This event should be received after all items in demux are processed _demux.once("drain", () => { expect( - start) slowProcessorSpeed * highWaterMark, ); t.pass(); resolv(); }); }); } } }); }); test("demux() should emit one drain event when writing 6 items with highWaterMark of 5", t => { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { t.plan(1); interface Chunk { key: string; mapped: number[]; } const highWaterMark = 5; const input = [ { key: "a", mapped: [] }, { key: "a", mapped: [] }, { key: "a", mapped: [] }, { key: "a", mapped: [] }, { key: "a", mapped: [] }, { key: "a", mapped: [] }, ]; let pendingReads = input.length; const construct = (destKey: string) => { const first = map( async (chunk: Chunk) => { await sleep(50); chunk.mapped.push(2); return chunk; }, { highWaterMark: 1 }, ); first.on("data", () => { pendingReads--; if (pendingReads === 0) { resolve(); } }); return first; }; const _demux = demux(construct, "key", { highWaterMark: 5, }); _demux.on("error", err => { reject(); }); for (const item of input) { const res = _demux.write(item); expect(_demux._writableState.length); if (!res) { await new Promise(_resolve => { _demux.once("drain", () => { _resolve(); expect(_demux._writableState.length); t.pass(); }); }); } } }); }); test.cb( "demux() should emit drain event when second stream is bottleneck after (highWaterMark - 2) * slowProcessorSpeed ms", t => { // ie) first two items are pushed directly into first and second streams (highWaterMark - 2 remain in demux) t.plan(8); const slowProcessorSpeed = 100; const highWaterMark = 5; interface Chunk { key: string; mapped: number[]; } const sink = new Writable({ objectMode: true, write(chunk, encoding, cb) { expect(chunk.mapped).to.deep.equal([1, 2]); t.pass(); pendingReads--; if (pendingReads === 0) { t.end(); } cb(); }, }); const construct = (destKey: string) => { const first = map( (chunk: Chunk) => { chunk.mapped.push(1); return chunk; }, { highWaterMark: 1 }, ); const second = map( async (chunk: Chunk) => { await sleep(slowProcessorSpeed); chunk.mapped.push(2); return chunk; }, { highWaterMark: 1 }, ); first.pipe(second).pipe(sink); return first; }; const _demux = demux(construct, () => "a", { highWaterMark, }); _demux.on("error", err => { t.end(err); }); _demux.on("drain", () => { expect(_demux._writableState.length); expect( - start) slowProcessorSpeed * 3, ); t.pass(); }); const input = [ { key: "a", mapped: [] }, { key: "b", mapped: [] }, { key: "c", mapped: [] }, { key: "d", mapped: [] }, { key: "e", mapped: [] }, { key: "f", mapped: [] }, { key: "g", mapped: [] }, ]; let pendingReads = input.length; const start =; fromArray(input).pipe(_demux); }, ); test.cb( "demux() should emit drain event when third stream is bottleneck", t => { // @TODO investigate why drain is emitted after slowProcessorSpeed t.plan(8); const slowProcessorSpeed = 100; const highWaterMark = 5; interface Chunk { key: string; mapped: number[]; } const sink = new Writable({ objectMode: true, write(chunk, encoding, cb) { expect(chunk.mapped).to.deep.equal([1, 2, 3]); t.pass(); pendingReads--; if (pendingReads === 0) { t.end(); } cb(); }, }); const construct = (destKey: string) => { const first = map( (chunk: Chunk) => { chunk.mapped.push(1); return chunk; }, { highWaterMark: 1 }, ); const second = map( (chunk: Chunk) => { chunk.mapped.push(2); return chunk; }, { highWaterMark: 1 }, ); const third = map( async (chunk: Chunk) => { await sleep(slowProcessorSpeed); chunk.mapped.push(3); return chunk; }, { highWaterMark: 1 }, ); first .pipe(second) .pipe(third) .pipe(sink); return first; }; const _demux = demux(construct, () => "a", { highWaterMark, }); _demux.on("error", err => { t.end(err); }); _demux.on("drain", () => { expect(_demux._writableState.length); expect( - start) slowProcessorSpeed, ); t.pass(); }); const input = [ { key: "a", mapped: [] }, { key: "b", mapped: [] }, { key: "c", mapped: [] }, { key: "d", mapped: [] }, { key: "e", mapped: [] }, { key: "f", mapped: [] }, { key: "g", mapped: [] }, ]; let pendingReads = input.length; const start =; fromArray(input).pipe(_demux); }, ); test("demux() should be blocked by slowest pipeline", t => { t.plan(1); const slowProcessorSpeed = 100; interface Chunk { key: string; mapped: number[]; } return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { const construct = (destKey: string) => { const first = map( async (chunk: Chunk) => { await sleep(slowProcessorSpeed); chunk.mapped.push(1); return chunk; }, { highWaterMark: 1 }, ); return first; }; const _demux = demux(construct, "key", { highWaterMark: 1, }); _demux.on("error", err => { reject(err); }); _demux.on("data", async chunk => { pendingReads--; if (chunk.key === "b") { expect( - start) slowProcessorSpeed * totalItems, ); t.pass(); expect(pendingReads).to.equal(0); resolve(); } }); const input = [ { key: "a", mapped: [] }, { key: "a", mapped: [] }, { key: "c", mapped: [] }, { key: "c", mapped: [] }, { key: "b", mapped: [] }, ]; let pendingReads = input.length; const totalItems = input.length; const start =; for (const item of input) { if (!_demux.write(item)) { await new Promise(_resolve => { _demux.once("drain", () => { _resolve(); }); }); } } }); }); test.cb("Demux should remux to sink", t => { t.plan(6); let i = 0; const input = [ { key: "a", visited: [] }, { key: "b", visited: [] }, { key: "a", visited: [] }, { key: "c", visited: [] }, { key: "a", visited: [] }, { key: "b", visited: [] }, ]; const result = [ { key: "a", visited: ["a"] }, { key: "b", visited: ["b"] }, { key: "a", visited: ["a"] }, { key: "c", visited: ["c"] }, { key: "a", visited: ["a"] }, { key: "b", visited: ["b"] }, ]; const construct = (destKey: string) => { const dest = map((chunk: any) => { chunk.visited.push(destKey); return chunk; }); return dest; }; const sink = map(d => { t.deepEqual(d, result[i]); i++; if (i === input.length) { t.end(); } }); const demuxed = demux(construct, "key", {}); fromArray(input) .pipe(demuxed) .pipe(sink); }); test.cb("Demux should send data events", t => { t.plan(6); let i = 0; const input = [ { key: "a", visited: [] }, { key: "b", visited: [] }, { key: "a", visited: [] }, { key: "c", visited: [] }, { key: "a", visited: [] }, { key: "b", visited: [] }, ]; const result = [ { key: "a", visited: ["a"] }, { key: "b", visited: ["b"] }, { key: "a", visited: ["a"] }, { key: "c", visited: ["c"] }, { key: "a", visited: ["a"] }, { key: "b", visited: ["b"] }, ]; const construct = (destKey: string) => { const dest = map((chunk: any) => { chunk.visited.push(destKey); return chunk; }); return dest; }; const demuxed = demux(construct, "key", {}); fromArray(input).pipe(demuxed); demuxed.on("data", d => { t.deepEqual(d, result[i]); i++; if (i === input.length) { t.end(); } }); }); test.cb("demux() `finish` and `end` propagates", t => { interface Chunk { key: string; mapped: number[]; } t.plan(9); const construct = (destKey: string) => { const dest = map((chunk: any) => { chunk.mapped.push(destKey); return chunk; }); return dest; }; const _demux = demux(construct, "key", { highWaterMark: 3, }); const fakeSource = new Readable({ objectMode: true, read() { return; }, }); const sink = map((d: any) => { const curr = input.shift();, d.key); t.deepEqual(d.mapped, [d.key]); }); fakeSource.pipe(_demux).pipe(sink); fakeSource.on("end", () => { t.pass(); }); _demux.on("finish", () => { t.pass(); }); _demux.on("unpipe", () => { t.pass(); }); _demux.on("end", () => { t.pass(); t.end(); }); sink.on("finish", () => { t.pass(); }); const input = [ { key: "a", mapped: [] }, { key: "b", mapped: [] }, { key: "a", mapped: [] }, { key: "a", mapped: [] }, { key: "b", mapped: [] }, ]; fakeSource.push(input[0]); fakeSource.push(input[1]); fakeSource.push(null); }); test.cb("demux() `unpipe` propagates", t => { interface Chunk { key: string; mapped: number[]; } t.plan(7); const construct = (destKey: string) => { const dest = map((chunk: any) => { chunk.mapped.push(destKey); return chunk; }); return dest; }; const _demux = demux(construct, "key", { highWaterMark: 3, }); const fakeSource = new Readable({ objectMode: true, read() { return; }, }); const sink = map((d: any) => { const curr = input.shift();, d.key); t.deepEqual(d.mapped, [d.key]); }); fakeSource.pipe(_demux).pipe(sink); _demux.on("unpipe", () => { t.pass(); }); sink.on("unpipe", () => { t.pass(); }); sink.on("finish", () => { t.pass(); t.end(); }); const input = [ { key: "a", mapped: [] }, { key: "b", mapped: [] }, { key: "a", mapped: [] }, { key: "a", mapped: [] }, { key: "b", mapped: [] }, ]; fakeSource.push(input[0]); fakeSource.push(input[1]); fakeSource.push(null); }); test.cb("demux() should be 'destroyable'", t => { t.plan(2); const _sleep = 100; interface Chunk { key: string; mapped: string[]; } const construct = (destKey: string) => { const first = map(async (chunk: Chunk) => { await sleep(_sleep); chunk.mapped.push(destKey); return chunk; }); return first; }; const _demux = demux(construct, "key"); const fakeSource = new Readable({ objectMode: true, read() { return; }, }); const fakeSink = new Writable({ objectMode: true, write(data, enc, cb) { const cur = input.shift();, data.key); t.deepEqual(cur.mapped, ["a"]); if (cur.key === "a") { _demux.destroy(); } cb(); }, }); _demux.on("close", t.end); fakeSource.pipe(_demux).pipe(fakeSink); const input = [ { key: "a", mapped: [] }, { key: "b", mapped: [] }, { key: "c", mapped: [] }, { key: "d", mapped: [] }, { key: "e", mapped: [] }, ]; fakeSource.push(input[0]); fakeSource.push(input[1]); fakeSource.push(input[2]); fakeSource.push(input[3]); fakeSource.push(input[4]); });