const test = require("ava"); const { expect } = require("chai"); const { compose, composeDuplex, map, rate } = require("../src"); const { sleep } = require("../src/helpers"); import { performance } from "perf_hooks"; test.cb("compose() chains two streams together in the correct order", t => { t.plan(3); let i = 0; const first = map((chunk: number) => chunk + 1); const second = map((chunk: number) => chunk * 2); const composed = compose( [first, second], { objectMode: true }, ); composed.on("data", data => { expect(data).to.equal(result[i]); t.pass(); i++; if (i === 3) { t.end(); } }); composed.on("error", err => { t.end(err); }); composed.on("end", () => { t.end(); }); const input = [1, 2, 3]; const result = [4, 6, 8]; input.forEach(item => composed.write(item)); }); test.cb( "compose() followed by pipe chains streams together in the correct order", t => { t.plan(3); let i = 0; const first = map((chunk: number) => chunk + 1); const second = map((chunk: number) => chunk * 2); const composed = compose( [first, second], { objectMode: true }, ); const third = map((chunk: number) => chunk + 1); composed.pipe(third).on("data", data => { expect(data).to.equal(result[i]); t.pass(); i++; if (i === 3) { t.end(); } }); composed.on("error", err => { t.end(err); }); const input = [1, 2, 3]; const result = [5, 7, 9]; input.forEach(item => composed.write(item)); }, ); test.cb( "compose() should emit drain event after 1 second when first stream is bottleneck", t => { t.plan(6); interface Chunk { index: number; mapped: string[]; } const first = map( async (chunk: Chunk) => { await sleep(200); chunk.mapped.push("first"); return chunk; }, { objectMode: true, }, ); const second = map( async (chunk: Chunk) => { chunk.mapped.push("second"); return chunk; }, { objectMode: true }, ); const composed = compose( [first, second], { objectMode: true, highWaterMark: 2 }, ); composed.on("error", err => { t.end(err); }); composed.on("drain", err => { expect( - start); t.pass(); }); composed.on("data", (chunk: Chunk) => { expect(chunk.mapped.length).to.equal(2); expect(chunk.mapped).to.deep.equal(["first", "second"]); t.pass(); if (chunk.index === 5) { t.end(); } }); const input = [ { data: 1 }, { data: 2 }, { data: 3 }, { data: 4 }, { data: 5 }, ]; input.forEach(item => { composed.write(item); }); const start =; }, ); test.cb( "compose() should emit drain event immediately when second stream is bottleneck", t => { t.plan(6); interface Chunk { index: number; mapped: string[]; } const first = map( async (chunk: Chunk) => { chunk.mapped.push("first"); return chunk; }, { objectMode: true, }, ); const second = map( async (chunk: Chunk) => { await sleep(500); chunk.mapped.push("second"); return chunk; }, { objectMode: true }, ); const composed = compose( [first, second], { objectMode: true, highWaterMark: 2 }, ); composed.on("error", err => { t.end(err); }); composed.on("drain", err => { expect( - start); t.pass(); }); composed.on("data", (chunk: Chunk) => { expect(chunk.mapped.length).to.equal(2); expect(chunk.mapped).to.deep.equal(["first", "second"]); t.pass(); if (chunk.index === 5) { t.end(); } }); const input = [ { index: 1, mapped: [] }, { index: 2, mapped: [] }, { index: 3, mapped: [] }, { index: 4, mapped: [] }, { index: 5, mapped: [] }, ]; input.forEach(item => { composed.write(item); }); const start =; }, ); test.cb( "compose() should emit drain event and first should contain up to highWaterMark items in readable state when second is bottleneck", t => { t.plan(6); interface Chunk { index: number; mapped: string[]; } const first = map( async (chunk: Chunk) => { expect(first._readableState.length); chunk.mapped.push("first"); return chunk; }, { objectMode: true, highWaterMark: 2, }, ); const second = map( async (chunk: Chunk) => { expect(second._writableState.length); await sleep(100); chunk.mapped.push("second"); return chunk; }, { objectMode: true, highWaterMark: 2 }, ); const composed = compose( [first, second], { objectMode: true, highWaterMark: 3 }, ); composed.on("error", err => { t.end(err); }); composed.on("data", (chunk: Chunk) => { expect(chunk.mapped.length).to.equal(2); expect(chunk.mapped).to.deep.equal(["first", "second"]); t.pass(); if (chunk.index === 5) { t.end(); } }); composed.on("drain", () => { t.pass(); }); const input = [ { index: 1, mapped: [] }, { index: 2, mapped: [] }, { index: 3, mapped: [] }, { index: 4, mapped: [] }, { index: 5, mapped: [] }, ]; input.forEach(item => { composed.write(item); }); }, );