import { Readable } from "stream"; import { performance } from "perf_hooks"; import test from "ava"; import { rate } from "../src"; import { sleep } from "../src/helpers"; test.cb("rate() sends data at a rate of 150", t => { t.plan(15); const targetRate = 150; const source = new Readable({ objectMode: true }); const expectedElements = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]; const start =; let i = 0; source .pipe(rate(targetRate)) .on("data", (element: string) => { const currentRate = (i / ( - start)) * 1000;, expectedElements[i]); t.true(currentRate <= targetRate); t.pass(); i++; }) .on("error", t.end) .on("end", t.end); source.push("a"); source.push("b"); source.push("c"); source.push("d"); source.push("e"); source.push(null); }); test.cb("rate() sends data at a rate of 50", t => { t.plan(15); const targetRate = 50; const source = new Readable({ objectMode: true }); const expectedElements = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]; const start =; let i = 0; source .pipe(rate(targetRate)) .on("data", (element: string) => { const currentRate = (i / ( - start)) * 1000;, expectedElements[i]); t.true(currentRate <= targetRate); t.pass(); i++; }) .on("error", t.end) .on("end", t.end); source.push("a"); source.push("b"); source.push("c"); source.push("d"); source.push("e"); source.push(null); }); test.cb("rate() sends data at a rate of 1", t => { t.plan(15); const targetRate = 1; const source = new Readable({ objectMode: true }); const expectedElements = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]; const start =; let i = 0; source .pipe(rate(targetRate)) .on("data", (element: string) => { const currentRate = (i / ( - start)) * 1000;, expectedElements[i]); t.true(currentRate <= targetRate); t.pass(); i++; }) .on("error", t.end) .on("end", t.end); source.push("a"); source.push("b"); source.push("c"); source.push("d"); source.push("e"); source.push(null); }); test("rate() sends data at a rate of 1 and drops extra messages", async t => { t.plan(9); const targetRate = 1; const source = new Readable({ objectMode: true, read: () => { return; }, }); const expectedElements = ["a", "b", "e"]; const start =; let i = 0; let plan = 0; source .pipe(rate(targetRate, 1, { behavior: 1 })) .on("data", (element: string) => { const currentRate = (i / ( - start)) * 1000;, expectedElements[i]); t.true(currentRate <= targetRate); plan++; t.pass(); i++; }) .on("error", .on("end",; source.push("a"); await sleep(1000); source.push("b"); source.push("c"); source.push("d"); await sleep(1000); source.push("e"); await sleep(1000); source.push(null); });